Zingy Yellow & Oranges
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP YO 1113 A
Absolute Yellow

NP YO 1180 P
Alcove Ivory

NP YO 1148 A
All Gold

NP YO 1145 P
Amber Light

NP YO 1217 T
Apricot Buds

NP YO 1199 T
Apricot Flower

NP YO 1112 D
Austere Yellow

NP YO 1205 D
Autumn Blaze

NP YO 1213 P
Autumn Lights

NP YO 1236 P
Avant Garde

NP YO 1189 P
Baby Wishes

NP YO 1253 A

NP YO 1219 T
Being Peach

NP YO 1155 A
Bright Smile

NP YO 1210 T

NP YO 1224 T
Bubby Smile

NP YO 1206 T
Buffy Orange

NP YO 1165 P

NP YO 1142 D
Buttercup Bouquet

NP YO 1169 D
Capital_s Gold

NP YO 1245 T
Caramel Suger

NP YO 1197 A
Cheetah Spots

NP YO 1111 T

NP YO 1134 A
Circus Top

NP YO 1209 T

NP YO 1179 P
Classic Silk

NP YO 1118 P
Clear Yellow

NP YO 1168 T

NP YO 1237 P
Copper Dust

NP YO 1183 A
Coronette Orange

NP YO 1212 D
Cozy Hearth

NP YO 1185 P
Crepe de Chine

NP YO 1140 T
Crocus Yellow

NP YO 1157 T

NP YO 1124 P
Daisy Petal

NP YO 1201 P

NP YO 1243 P
Delicate Peach

NP YO 1151 P
Desert Breeze

NP YO 1150 T
Desert Fire

NP YO 1211 A
Disco Beat

NP YO 1178 T
Dry Wheat

NP YO 1099 D

NP YO 1115 T
Feather Gold

NP YO 1187 P
Feather Plume

NP YO 1184 D
Field Daisy

NP YO 1239 D

NP YO 1130 P
Fitered Light

NP YO 1200 P
Fruity Flavor

NP YO 1129 T
Glory Yellow

NP YO 1146 P
Gold Dust

NP YO 1191 D
Golden Charmer

NP YO 1149 D
Golden Dome

NP YO 1098 T
Golden Ear

NP YO 1093 T
Golden Touch

NP YO 1091 T
Golden Yellow

NP YO 1164 D
Good Fun

NP YO 1192 P
Happy Day

NP YO 1154 T
Happy Tunes

NP YO 1177 D
Harvest Flame

NP YO 1246 A
Harvest Orange

NP YO 1092 A
Heart Gold

NP YO 1117 P
Hearth Yellow

NP YO 1234 T
Heathy Glow

NP YO 1247 D
Hubbard Squash

NP YO 1202 P
Iced Melon

NP YO 1195 P
Impish Grin

NP YO 1195 P
Impish Grin

NP YO 1095 P

NP YO 1163 D
Jumping Jack

NP YO 1127 A
Jumping for Joy

NP YO 1252 T
Lacquered Maple

NP YO 1235 P
Lalique Peach

NP YO 1214 P
Lantern Festival

NP YO 1190 A
Leap of Faith

NP YO 1110 P
Lemon White

NP YO 1090 P
Lemon Yellow

NP YO 1222 P
Little Cupcakes

NP YO 1216 P
Lovely Jewels

NP YO 1135 D
Lucky Charm

NP YO 1254 D
Mansion Gold

NP YO 1156 D
Marsh Marigold

NP YO 1141 A
Meadow Daisy

NP YO 1221 P
Melon Halo

NP YO 1220 P
Melon Rose

NP YO 1139 P
Morning Dawn

NP YO 1194 P

NP YO 1097 P

NP YO 1251 P
Nude Shades

NP YO 1198 D
Orange Bedder

NP YO 1227 T
Orange Macaron

NP YO 1228 P
Orange Magix

NP YO 1218 D
Orange Sparks

NP YO 1204 A
Orange Torch

NP YO 1256 P
Palest Glow

NP YO 1231 T
Paprika Sprinkle

NP YO 1249 P
Paris Perfume

NP YO 1225 A
Party Time

NP YO 1207 P
Peachy Pink

NP YO 1250 P
Pearl Inlay

NP YO 1161 T
Perk Me Up

NP YO 1188 P
Petite Peach

NP YO 1108 P

NP YO 1123 P
Powder Yellow

NP YO 1230 P
Prairie Peach

NP YO 1170 T
Ripe Wheat

NP YO 1120 D
Sassy Yellow

NP YO 1240 T
Sedona Stone

NP YO 1167 P
Sheer Chiffon

NP YO 1137 P
Silky Veil

NP YO 1116 P
Single Feather

NP YO 1103 P
Slight Embrace

NP YO 1223 P
Soft Cushion

NP YO 1138 P
Softly Lit

NP YO 1238 T
Southwest Stone

NP YO 1094 P
Sparkling Yellow

NP YO 1203 T
Spiced Orange

NP YO 1144 P
Spinning Silk

NP YO 1171 P

NP YO 1172 P
Star Magnolia

NP YO 1176 A
Straw Hat

NP YO 1175 A
Straw Stack

NP YO 1181 P
Summer_s Blanket

NP YO 1158 P
Sun Drenched

NP YO 1107 D
Sun Miracle

NP YO 1096 P

NP YO 1182 T
Sun_s Enchantment

NP YO 1233 D

NP YO 1132 P
Sunday Morning

NP YO 1131 P
Sunny Ivory

NP YO 1196 T
Sunny Smile

NP YO 1114 A

NP YO 1248 T
Sunshine Tea

NP YO 1255 P

NP YO 1193 P
Sweet Cream

NP YO 1215 P
Sweet Peach

NP YO 1143 T
Sweet Yellow

NP YO 1229 P
Terra Peach

NP YO 1232 A

NP YO 1226 D
Tribal Art

NP YO 1241 P
Vessel Chip

NP YO 1162 A

NP YO 1186 P
Warm Smile

NP YO 1173 P
Warm Toast

NP YO 1244 P
Weak Tea

NP YO 1242 P
Westwind Dust

NP YO 1174 P
Wheat Dust

NP YO 1160 P
Wishing Well

NP YO 1208 P

NP YO 1136 P
Yellow Bag

NP YO 1119 T
Yellow Band

NP YO 1109 P
Yellow Charm

NP YO 1147 T
Yellow Destiny

NP YO 1128 D
Yellow Flag

NP YO 1122 P
Yellow Fragrance

NP YO 1152 P
Yellow Glove

NP YO 1133 T
Yellow Helmet

NP YO 1100 D
Yellow Jasmine

NP YO 1102 P
Yellow Joy

NP YO 1106 A
Yellow Mint

NP YO 1104 P
Yellow Necklace

NP YO 1105 T
Yellow Pendant

NP YO 1153 P
Yellow Pinafore

NP YO 1121 T
Yellow Prominence

NP YO 1126 T
Yellow Ring

NP YO 1125 P
Yellow Sails

NP YO 1089 P
Yellow Tulip

NP YO 1159 P
Young Banana

NP YO 1101 P
Zen Yellow
Lustrous Reds & Pinks
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP R 1315 T
Adrenaline Rush

NP R 1297 T
Alba Rose

NP R 1289 D
Alpine Pink

NP R 1290 T

NP R 1333 P
Aster Petal

NP R 1277 P
Astilbe Venus

NP R 1366 D P

NP R 1349 P
Baby Bud

NP R 1285 P
Ballerina Slipper

NP R 1360 T
Beautiful Rose

NP R 1382 P
Bleached Leather

NP R 1292 P

NP R 1372 D
Brick House

NP R 1365 A

NP R 1294 P
Bubblegum Pink

NP R 1351 A

NP R 1276 P
Candy Shoppe

NP R 1389 P
Cedar Scent

NP R 1316 A

NP R 1308 P
Cest_ La Vie

NP R 1361 P
Cherry Pink

NP R 1368 P
Clay Brushed

NP R 1388 T
Clay Vessel

NP R 1314 P

NP R 1387 D
Copper Bell

NP R 1364 T

NP R 1357 T
Coral Cove

NP R 1275 D
Coral Expression

NP R 1359 T
Coral Pin

NP R 1262 T

NP R 1367 T
Cracked Shell

NP R 1310 D
Crimson Tide

NP R 1363 P
Crushed Clay

NP R 1312 P
Crystal Pink

NP R 1340 P
Cyclamen Pink

NP R 1384 T

NP R 1267 A

NP R 1288 A
Drama Red

NP R 1377 P
Dried Leaves

NP R 1296 D
Exotic Bloom

NP R 1339 T
Fairy Lights

NP R 1295 A

NP R 1274 A
Fashion Red

NP R 1386 A
Field Oak

NP R 1268 D
Fire Princess

NP R 1320 P
Flickering Pink

NP R 1269 T
Flower Girl

NP R 1325 T
Flowing Frock

NP R 1264 P
Girlish Giggle

NP R 1322 T

NP R 1307 P
Good Fortune

NP R 1341 P

NP R 1271 P
Gypsy Song

NP R 1346 T
Hill Cherry

NP R 1272 P
Home Sweet Home

NP R 1303 D
Hot Shot

NP R 1273 P
Impatiens Pink

NP R 1369 P
Infant Smile

NP R 1327 P
Iris Pink

NP R 1259 T
Just Divine

NP R 1337 A
Keepsake Rose

NP R 1281 A
Knockout Red

NP R 1261 D

NP R 1309 A
Latin Dance

NP R 1319 P
Lavender Posy

NP R 1286 P
Little Tutu

NP R 1355 P
Lover_s Hug

NP R 1324 D
Luscious Lips

NP R 1263 P
Magnolia Blossom

NP R 1329 T
Marjory Phlox

NP R 1354 P
Martha_s Pink

NP R 1343 T
Miniature Rose

NP R 1381 T
My Knapsack

NP R 1371 T
New Brick

NP R 1287 T
Peaking Pink

NP R 1331 D
Pike_s Pink

NP R 1326 P
Pink Balloon

NP R 1311 P
Pink Berret

NP R 1347 P
Pink Bonnet

NP R 1332 P
Pink Bouquet

NP R 1283 T
Pink Crown

NP R 1265 P
Pink Geranium

NP R 1336 T
Pink Joy

NP R 1304 T
Pink Rally

NP R 1270 P
Pink Stockings

NP R 1352 D
Pioneer Red

NP R 1317 D
Poet Justice

NP R 1380 D
Polished Leather

NP R 1291 P

NP R 1375 P
Prairie Dust

NP R 1321 P
Pretty Box

NP R 1334 P
Privacy Pink

NP R 1362 P
Pueblo Peach

NP R 1376 P

NP R 1302 A
Raging Pink

NP R 1379 A
Red Earth

NP R 1345 D
Remember Rose

NP R 1342 P
Rose Shade

NP R 1338 D
Rose Velvet

NP R 1298 P
Rosy Cushion

NP R 1344 A
Rosy Dreams

NP R 1378 P
Rustic Leather

NP R 1356 P
Salmon Bisque

NP R 1370 P
Sampler Stitch

NP R 1348 P
Sarah_s Sash

NP R 1260 A
Sashy Red

NP R 1358 A
Scarlet Oak

NP R 1300 P
Single Petal

NP R 1353 T
Smouldering Red

NP R 1323 A
Sparkling Sequins

NP R 1258 P
Spring Song

NP R 1374 P
Standish Rose

NP R 1318 T

NP R 1266 T
Strawberry Ice

NP R 1299 P
Strawberry Muffin

NP R 1306 P
Sweet Deal

NP R 1257 P
Sweet Dreams

NP R 1279 P
Sweet Marionette

NP R 1293 P

NP R 1330 A
Sweltering Pink

NP R 1335 P
Tickle Pink

NP R 1383 P
Timber Grain

NP R 1313 P
Too Shy

NP R 1301 T
Trailing Pink

NP R 1350 T
Vintage Rose

NP R 1328 P
Viola Phlox

NP R 1305 P
Warley Rose

NP R 1385 T
Wet Moccasin

NP R 1373 T
Winsthrop Brick

NP R 1278 P
Wisely Pink

NP R 1280 T
Zinnia Ruffles

NP R 1282 D
Zinnia Scarlet

NP R 1284 P
Zinnia Scent
Magical Blues & Purples
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP PB 1392 T

NP PB 1488 P

NP PB 1478 D
Arousing Score

NP PB 1419 P
Artist Loft

NP PB 1410 P

NP PB 1494 P
Ash Purple

NP PB 1390 P
Ashley Pink

NP PB 1540 A
Bachelor_s Pad

NP PB 1525 T
Barbara Blue

NP PB 1403 P
Bells Of Holland

NP PB 1512 A
Benedict Blue

NP PB 1529 P
Blue Aura

NP PB 1520 D
Blue Award

NP PB 1560 T
Blue Button

NP PB 1516 P
Blue Crotchet

NP PB 1518 T
Blue Emotion

NP PB 1507 T
Blue Epic

NP PB 1541 D
Blue Flippers

NP PB 1552 P
Blue Horizon

NP PB 1550 P
Blue Lullaby

NP PB 1555 D
Blue Madonna

NP PB 1549 T
Blue Monday

NP PB 1553 T
Blue Music

NP PB 1506 D
Blue Planet

NP PB 1491 A
Blue Purple

NP PB 1528 P
Blue Rhythm

NP PB 1531 P
Blue Signature

NP PB 1485 D
Blue Triumph

NP PB 1545 P
Blue Tune

NP PB 1538 P
Blue Wish

NP PB 1539 T
Boyish Grin

NP PB 1394 D
Camp Rock

NP PB 1437 T
Canyon Cloud

NP PB 1535 T

NP PB 1398 P
Chata Phlox

NP PB 1509 P
Cloud Wisp

NP PB 1557 P

NP PB 1508 P
Cool Lilac

NP PB 1522 P
Cornet Cupboard

NP PB 1511 T
Cottage Blue

NP PB 1399 T
Creeping Phlox

NP PB 1484 A
Crown Jewel

NP PB 1561 A
Dark Secret

NP PB 1408 D
Dauphne Red

NP PB 1412 P
Dawn Glow

NP PB 1475 P
Dear Diary

NP PB 1477 A
Deep Trance

NP PB 1554 A

NP PB 1453 P

NP PB 1432 P
Drifting Lavender

NP PB 1505 A

NP PB 1446 P
Early Bird

NP PB 1442 A

NP PB 1461 P
Evening Dresses

NP PB 1482 P

NP PB 1472 T
Faded Lilac

NP PB 1473 P
Faded Memories

NP PB 1391 P
Flower Fields

NP PB 1405 P
Forever Young

NP PB 1527 D
Founder Blue

NP PB 1521 T
Fresco Blue

NP PB 1462 D
Gala Glitter

NP PB 1490 T
Grape Gate

NP PB 1443 D
Harvest Dance

NP PB 1455 P
Heather Ashes

NP PB 1438 P
Heather Bunch

NP PB 1454 P
Heather Spray

NP PB 1400 A
Iris Bouquet

NP PB 1424 P
Ivy Posse

NP PB 1556 T
Joppa Blue

NP PB 1546 P
Kind Sky

NP PB 1413 T
Lazy Phlox

NP PB 1533 A
Liberty Blue

NP PB 1451 P
Light Alcove

NP PB 1440 P
Light Cadence

NP PB 1418 P
Light Year

NP PB 1460 P

NP PB 1503 P
Lilac Frost

NP PB 1502 P
Lilac Lining

NP PB 1523 P
Lingering Blue

NP PB 1544 P
Lite Up

NP PB 1551 P
Little Girl Blue

NP PB 1481 P

NP PB 1498 A

NP PB 1450 D
Marimba Beat

NP PB 1517 P

NP PB 1467 P
Merry Old Soul

NP PB 1444 P

NP PB 1433 P
Monet Lavender

NP PB 1421 A
Monet_s Accent

NP PB 1435 A
Monet_s Purple

NP PB 1395 P
Natelie_s Niche

NP PB 1548 D
Nautical Blue

NP PB 1562 D

NP PB 1486 T
Nigara Nights

NP PB 1396 P
Night Dress

NP PB 1504 P
Night Drizzle

NP PB 1470 A
Opera Night

NP PB 1430 P
Ophelia_s Song

NP PB 1445 P

NP PB 1459 P

NP PB 1429 D
Painter_s Attic

NP PB 1411 P
Pale Pansy

NP PB 1393 A
Paradise Bird

NP PB 1536 P
Parlor Blue

NP PB 1499 D
Pharaoh_s Purple

NP PB 1402 P
Phlox Petal

NP PB 1463 A
Phoenician Purple

NP PB 1415 D
Picked Plum

NP PB 1417 P
Plum Frost

NP PB 1397 P
Plum Pink

NP PB 1416 T
Plum Sparkle

NP PB 1495 P
Purple Bits

NP PB 1414 A
Purple Comet

NP PB 1493 P
Purple Covers

NP PB 1492 D
Purple Edge

NP PB 1458 T
Purple Heather

NP PB 1448 T
Purple Lights

NP PB 1501 P
Purple Tide

NP PB 1496 P
Purple Times

NP PB 1500 T

NP PB 1452 P
Rain Dance

NP PB 1483 T

NP PB 1427 T
Razzle Dazzle

NP PB 1407 A
Red Purple

NP PB 1423 T
Renoir_s Touch

NP PB 1423 T
Renoir_s Touch

NP PB 1479 T
Rich Expression

NP PB 1474 P
Royal Mist

NP PB 1457 D
Rulling Royalty

NP PB 1542 P
Ryder Blue

NP PB 1513 D
Senate Blue

NP PB 1487 P
September Rain

NP PB 1469 T
Sequined Scarf

NP PB 1563 T
Shipside Blue

NP PB 1543 P
Silent Blue

NP PB 1464 D
Silent Solace

NP PB 1532 P
Sky Blue

NP PB 1489 P

NP PB 1468 T
Slight Tempo

NP PB 1431 P
Slow Waltz

NP PB 1425 P

NP PB 1439 P
Soft Melody

NP PB 1466 P

NP PB 1447 P

NP PB 1422 D
Spanish Dance

NP PB 1497 T
Spring Crocus

NP PB 1510 P
Star Flower

NP PB 1456 A
Sultan Blue

NP PB 1558 P
Summer Ice

NP PB 1559 P
To Dream

NP PB 1519 A
Tremont Blue

NP PB 1534 D
True Blue

NP PB 1471 D
Ukranian Girl

NP PB 1547 A
Ultra Blue

NP PB 1404 P
Violet Petal

NP PB 1514 T
Violet Veil

NP PB 1409 T

NP PB 1515 P
Wahsed Mitten

NP PB 1449 A
Wild Fury

NP PB 1401 D
Wild Iris

NP PB 1537 P

NP PB 1530 P
Yours Truly
Delightful Greens & Blue-Greens
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP BGG 1687 A
Acid Lime

NP BGG 1597 D
Aegean Sea

NP BGG 1621 P

NP BGG 1662 P
Apple Cut

NP BGG 1661 T
Apple Martini

NP BGG 1612 T
Aqua Glass

NP BGG 1777 T
Aquarius Green

NP BGG 1638 A

NP BGG 1699 P

NP BGG 1700 D
Backpackers Lodge

NP BGG 1792 A
Bamboo Leaf

NP BGG 1580 P
Basic Blue

NP BGG 1710 T
Basket Straw

NP BGG 1639 D

NP BGG 1585 P
Blue Breeze

NP BGG 1816 P
Blue Bubble

NP BGG 1574 T
Blue Entry

NP BGG 1571 P
Blue Instinct

NP BGG 1575 A
Blue Jewel

NP BGG 1573 P
Blue Jive

NP BGG 1578 P
Blue Puff

NP BGG 1586 P
Blue Scarf

NP BGG 1570 T
Blue Spell

NP BGG 1572 P
Blue Wood

NP BGG 1751 D

NP BGG 1749 T

NP BGG 1706 T

NP BGG 1746 P
By the pond

NP BGG 1670 P
Calm Spirit

NP BGG 1729 A
Campus Green

NP BGG 1732 P
Celery Powder

NP BGG 1731 T
Celery Seed

NP BGG 1798 T

NP BGG 1688 D

NP BGG 1581 D
Classical Blue

NP BGG 1727 P
Clear Bank

NP BGG 1797 T
Clear Perrier

NP BGG 1785 A
Climbing Vine

NP BGG 1726 P
Cloud Grass

NP BGG 1774 P
Clover Tip

NP BGG 1794 T
Comfort Green

NP BGG 1607 P
Compass Green

NP BGG 1594 P
Cool Wave

NP BGG 1711 P
Cotton Canvas

NP BGG 1806 A
Courtyard Green

NP BGG 1705 P
Creek Sand

NP BGG 1770 T
Creeping Willow

NP BGG 1613 P
Crisp Green

NP BGG 1725 P
Crushed Moss

NP BGG 1708 A
Deepset Eyes

NP BGG 1690 P
Delicate Spikes

NP BGG 1587 P
Distant Blue

NP BGG 1721 T
Dried Palm

NP BGG 1717 P
Dried Stacks

NP BGG 1693 T
Dry Bamboo

NP BGG 1812 T
Early Trek

NP BGG 1676 P
Elusive Green

NP BGG 1608 P
Elves Green

NP BGG 1584 T

NP BGG 1750 A

NP BGG 1757 A

NP BGG 1719 P
Evasive Yellow

NP BGG 1674 D
Exclusive Green

NP BGG 1614 P

NP BGG 1684 P
Fern Tip

NP BGG 1656 P
Floating Leaves

NP BGG 1576 D
Florence Blue

NP BGG 1748 P
Froggy_s Leaf

NP BGG 1660 D
Frolic Green

NP BGG 1616 D
Gazing Fields

NP BGG 1763 T
Georgia Fields

NP BGG 1648 P

NP BGG 1739 P

NP BGG 1720 P
Glinted White

NP BGG 1631 A
Going Green

NP BGG 1709 D
Golden Sage

NP BGG 1781 P

NP BGG 1773 T
Grassy Patch

NP BGG 1629 P
Grated Green

NP BGG 1764 A
Great Escape

NP BGG 1567 P
Great Outdoors

NP BGG 1771 A
Great Sentosa

NP BGG 1636 P
Greek Myth

NP BGG 1799 A
Green Abyss

NP BGG 1617 A
Green Barricades

NP BGG 1632 D
Green Breakers

NP BGG 1609 T
Green Campus

NP BGG 1680 A
Green Cape

NP BGG 1628 P
Green Draft

NP BGG 1789 P
Green Dush

NP BGG 1625 D
Green Fortune

NP BGG 1813 A
Green Gable

NP BGG 1615 P
Green Gates

NP BGG 1619 T
Green Gauze

NP BGG 1630 T
Green Gazette

NP BGG 1634 P
Green Glaze

NP BGG 1744 D
Green Heights

NP BGG 1641 P
Green Highland

NP BGG 1765 D
Green Hills

NP BGG 1742 T
Green Living

NP BGG 1737 D
Green Mile

NP BGG 1752 T
Green Montage

NP BGG 1736 A
Green Pack

NP BGG 1778 A
Green Pastures

NP BGG 1760 P
Green Peers

NP BGG 1793 D
Green Pod

NP BGG 1606 P
Green Rhythm

NP BGG 1730 D
Green Shoot

NP BGG 1734 P
Green Sling

NP BGG 1780 T
Green Slopes

NP BGG 1622 P
Green Slur

NP BGG 1753 P
Green Tag

NP BGG 1795 P
Green Touch

NP BGG 1664 T
Green Treat

NP BGG 1666 A
Green Tuft

NP BGG 1776 P
Green Veil

NP BGG 1667 D
Green Willow

NP BGG 1591 P

NP BGG 1675 T

NP BGG 1624 A

NP BGG 1618 D
Gretel_s Guess

NP BGG 1620 P
Gustay Green

NP BGG 1808 T
Harbour Shadow

NP BGG 1768 P
Hidden Green

NP BGG 1596 A
High Trek

NP BGG 1718 P
Hunny_s Hut

NP BGG 1655 P
Iced Kiwi

NP BGG 1644 T
Jasmine Leaf

NP BGG 1643 P
Jasmine Scent

NP BGG 1801 T
Jasper Green

NP BGG 1654 T
Kiwi Cut

NP BGG 1653 D

NP BGG 1651 T
Kiwi Smoothie

NP BGG 1649 P
Kiwi Squeeze

NP BGG 1702 D
Knitted Sweater

NP BGG 1803 P
Lake Alone

NP BGG 1657 P

NP BGG 1698 P
Light Haystack

NP BGG 1683 P
Lightly Green

NP BGG 1779 D
Lilting Green

NP BGG 1784 T
Lily Stem

NP BGG 1659 A
Lime Frappe

NP BGG 1658 T
Lime Freeze

NP BGG 1673 A
Lime Time

NP BGG 1672 T

NP BGG 1686 T

NP BGG 1747 P
Little Buddies

NP BGG 1745 P
Little Garden

NP BGG 1728 T
Little Isle

NP BGG 1783 P
Little Little

NP BGG 1761 P
Little Lullaby

NP BGG 1743 A
Livia Green

NP BGG 1605 T

NP BGG 1646 D
Matcha Green

NP BGG 1577 P
Mediteranean Seas

NP BGG 1733 P

NP BGG 1735 T
Miranda Green

NP BGG 1804 P
Misty Rain

NP BGG 1724 T
Moss Print

NP BGG 1640 D
Mountain High

NP BGG 1696 T
Natural Cane

NP BGG 1694 A
Natural States

NP BGG 1716 D
Natural Touch

NP BGG 1701 A

NP BGG 1775 P

NP BGG 1598 P
Nice Mint

NP BGG 1589 A
Nivajo Turquoise

NP BGG 1568 A
Norse Blue

NP BGG 1697 P

NP BGG 1583 D
Ocean Calm

NP BGG 1713 P
Old Bam

NP BGG 1703 T
Old Mat

NP BGG 1569 D
Out at Sea

NP BGG 1786 D
Painter_s Leaf

NP BGG 1663 P
Pale Parsnip

NP BGG 1604 D
Paradise Waters

NP BGG 1756 T
Parrot Green

NP BGG 1668 T

NP BGG 1627 P
Party Mint

NP BGG 1722 A

NP BGG 1588 T
Persian Blue

NP BGG 1712 P
Picker Fences

NP BGG 1647 T
Picking Green

NP BGG 1704 P
Pilates Mat

NP BGG 1802 P
Pine Bud

NP BGG 1788 P
Pine Scent

NP BGG 1665 T
Pixie Leaf

NP BGG 1600 P
Pool Party

NP BGG 1602 T

NP BGG 1767 P
Prized Green

NP BGG 1814 D
Purblo Blue

NP BGG 1593 P
Quiet Lake

NP BGG 1603 A
Raging Waters

NP BGG 1635 P
Rainy Ride

NP BGG 1626 T
Restful Green

NP BGG 1805 T
River Port

NP BGG 1707 D
Sandle Tan

NP BGG 1582 A
Saxony Blue

NP BGG 1815 P
Scuba Dive

NP BGG 1810 P
Sea Nymph Green

NP BGG 1595 T
Sea Sail

NP BGG 1599 P
Seaside Lodge

NP BGG 1787 T
Secret Garden

NP BGG 1691 P
Sheer Batiste

NP BGG 1677 P
Sheer Green

NP BGG 1652 A

NP BGG 1791 T
Single Blade

NP BGG 1579 P
Sky Delight

NP BGG 1755 T

NP BGG 1807 D
Slate Crest

NP BGG 1565 P
Smooth Sailing

NP BGG 1592 P
Smooth Way

NP BGG 1740 P
Soft Greetings

NP BGG 1623 T
Spin Green

NP BGG 1689 T
Spiney Green

NP BGG 1769 P
Spring Kissed

NP BGG 1601 P
Spring Splash

NP BGG 1681 D
Spring Vigor

NP BGG 1645 A
Stunning Green

NP BGG 1679 D
Sugar Cane

NP BGG 1637 T
Survey Green

NP BGG 1759 T
Sweet Escapade

NP BGG 1650 P
Sweet Kiwi

NP BGG 1796 P

NP BGG 1800 D
Terrestrial Green

NP BGG 1633 D
Tidal Green

NP BGG 1671 P
Tiny Leaf

NP BGG 1758 D

NP BGG 1590 D
Turkish Tile

NP BGG 1611 D
Turquoise Beads

NP BGG 1610 A
Ultra Green

NP BGG 1809 P
Vantage View

NP BGG 1682 T
Villa Green

NP BGG 1811 P
Water Blue

NP BGG 1692 P
Water Chestnut

NP BGG 1754 P

NP BGG 1782 P
White Fern

NP BGG 1772 D
Willow Branch

NP BGG 1669 P
Willow Stem

NP BGG 1790 P
Wing Flutter

NP BGG 1566 P
Winning Streak

NP BGG 1723 D
Winter Moss

NP BGG 1715 A

NP BGG 1695 D
Woven Slats

NP BGG 1685 T
Yellow Grass

NP BGG 1741 P
Young Bud

NP BGG 1762 P
Young Fonds

NP BGG 1766 P
Young Shepherd

NP BGG 1678 P
Young Shoot

NP BGG 1738 T
Young Stalk

NP BGG 1642 P
Young Tea Leaves
Classic Neutrals & Greys
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP N 2034 P

NP N 2022 T
Alaskan Seas

NP N 1831 P
Almond Chip

NP N 1924 D
Amazing Touch

NP N 1901 P
Arte Deco

NP N 1864 T
Artist_s Impression

NP N 1906 T
Autumn Ashes

NP N 1862 A
Azuki Coffee

NP N 1973 T
Baby Blue Towel

NP N 1879 P
Basket Beige

NP N 1975 D
Bassinet Blue

NP N 1915 P

NP N 1916 P

NP N 1981 A
Bedrock Bottom

NP N 2019 P
Bedtime Stories

NP N 1914 P
Beige Gray

NP N 1941 T

NP N 1852 P
Birch Patina

NP N 1995 A
Black Night

NP N 2037 A
Black Smoke

NP N 2044 A
Black Swan

NP N 1988 A
Black magic

NP N 2013 P
Blue Bash

NP N 1974 A
Blue Bureau

NP N 1976 P
Blue Carpet

NP N 1966 D
Blue Collar

NP N 1964 P
Blue Cradle

NP N 2016 A
Blue Eruption

NP N 1977 P
Blue Jumpers

NP N 1972 P
Blue Pool

NP N 1969 T
Blue Tip

NP N 1887 P
Bradford Beige

NP N 1920 T
Braintree Road

NP N 1949 T
Bridging Gap

NP N 1875 T

NP N 1917 T
Burnt Ashes

NP N 1844 P
Butter Toast

NP N 1954 D
Castle in the Air

NP N 1886 P
Chain Reaction

NP N 1965 P
Choir Boys

NP N 1846 P

NP N 1971 P
Cloud Formation

NP N 1839 T
Comfy Tan

NP N 1833 D
Concrete Kerb

NP N 1840 D

NP N 1899 T
Country Junction

NP N 1877 D
Country maple

NP N 2030 A
Crater Black

NP N 1848 A
Creamy Caramel

NP N 1821 D
Crete Barrel

NP N 1838 P
Drifting By

NP N 2033 P
Dusty Gray

NP N 2017 D

NP N 2002 A
Ebony Blue

NP N 1922 P
Enchanted State

NP N 1929 P

NP N 1963 P
Etheria Blue

NP N 2020 P

NP N 1952 T
Fantasy Come True

NP N 1902 P
Favorite Shawl

NP N 1856 D

NP N 2009 A
Flint Black

NP N 1858 P
Foggy Day

NP N 1830 P
Foggy Green

NP N 2028 P

NP N 1968 D
Fountain Blue

NP N 1869 A
Friar Tuck

NP N 1892 P
Frontier Shadow

NP N 1959 T
Glass Bottle

NP N 1842 D
Golden Grain

NP N 2006 P
Gracious Gray

NP N 1980 T
Granite Rock

NP N 2041 P
Gray Ashes

NP N 2011 T
Gray Block

NP N 2010 T
Gray Chalk

NP N 2012 P
Gray Chord

NP N 1983 P
Gray Cotton

NP N 1921 P
Gray Dawning

NP N 2046 P
Gray Dolphin

NP N 2038 D
Gray Dots

NP N 2008 T
Gray Gait

NP N 1991 P
Gray Glove

NP N 2001 T
Gray Knight

NP N 1984 P
Gray Prose

NP N 2032 P
Gray Shirt

NP N 2027 P
Gray Suit

NP N 2035 T
Gray Tail

NP N 1979 P

NP N 2015 P
Great Pacific

NP N 1832 P
Great Wall

NP N 1825 P
Green Gables

NP N 1829 P
Green Gables

NP N 1828
Green Gallop

NP N 1827 A
Green Slate

NP N 1889 T
Ground Clove

NP N 1861 T

NP N 2031 D
Hardware Gray

NP N 1912 T
Harrison Gray

NP N 2000 P
Lake Stone

NP N 1896 T
Lavender Gray

NP N 1939 A
Lavender Hedge

NP N 1937 P
Lavender Lots

NP N 2039 T
Leaping Gray

NP N 1881 T
Leather Belt

NP N 1990 T
Liberty Gray

NP N 1957 P
Light Jacket

NP N 1956 P
Light Kaleidascope

NP N 1860 P
Light Mcintosh

NP N 1908 P
Light Mink

NP N 1998 P
Light Pewter

NP N 1824 P
Little Angel

NP N 1931 T
Long Finale

NP N 1946 A
Making Music

NP N 2036 D
Millenium Gray

NP N 2004 T
Miner Gray

NP N 1863 D

NP N 2040 P
Mortar Board

NP N 1894 P
Mountain Haze

NP N 1882 T
Mushroom Brown

NP N 1948 D
Mushy Grapes

NP N 1967 A
Mysterious Blue

NP N 1822 T-Wood Box

NP N 1837 P-Healing Touch

NP N 1841 A-Italian Cafe

NP N 1850 T-Danish Pattiserie

NP N 1851 P-Ramie

NP N 1853 T-Curling Bark

NP N 1859 P-Wispy Bits

NP N 1898 D-Purplestone

NP N 1910 P-King_s Throne

NP N 1923 P-Youthful Grace

NP N 1927 T-Rare Talent

NP N 1935 P-Kind Words

NP N 1938 T-Hazy Lavender

NP N 1940 D-Crowded House

NP N 1944 P-Dreamy State

NP N 1945 T-Wonder Land

NP N 1951 P-Hollywood Dream

NP N 1953 A-Hustle Bustle

NP N 1960 D-Deep Meditation

NP N 1982 D-Puritan Black

NP N 1985 P-Quarry Pebble

NP N 1994 P-Whetstone

NP N 2005 P-Quaker Gray

NP N 2025 P-Queit Time

NP N 2042 P-Dinosaur Gray

NP N 2043 T-Dormant Gray

NP N 1911 D
Nat King Cole

NP N 1823 P
Natural Almond

NP N 1878 T
Natural Cedar

NP N 1826 T
Natural Essence

NP N 1871 T
Natural Oak

NP N 1880 P
Nature Walk

NP N 1890 A
Newtowne Brown

NP N 1836 T

NP N 2014 P
Northern Comets

NP N 1870 D
Oak parquet

NP N 1884 D
Old Boots

NP N 1866 P
Old Pub

NP N 1893 P
Olde Rose

NP N 1942 P
Orchid Reach

NP N 1907 P

NP N 1925 A
Painted Faces

NP N 1904 A
Painted Frame

NP N 1961 D
Passing By

NP N 1843 T
Pastry Puff

NP N 1817 P
Pebble Walk

NP N 1849 D
Pecan Smell

NP N 1845 P
Perfumed Powder

NP N 1978 P
Pewter Grey

NP N 1933 D
Pitter Patter

NP N 1888 P
Plymouth Notch

NP N 1928 P
Pure Gift

NP N 2024 D
Restful Watch

NP N 1970 P
Ringo Blue

NP N 2021 P
River Water

NP N 2023 A

NP N 1891 D
Roxbury Brown

NP N 1932 A

NP N 1876 A
Sable Brown

NP N 1883 A
Saddle Brown

NP N 1818 P
Sanded Birch

NP N 1847 T

NP N 1926 D

NP N 1834 D
Shady Spot

NP N 1857 T

NP N 1873 P

NP N 1989 D
Silhouette Gray

NP N 1872 P
Silk Knot

NP N 1999 P
Silver Skates

NP N 1943 P
Singing Softly

NP N 2018 T

NP N 1947 D
Slight Nudge

NP N 1997 T
Smithy Tool

NP N 2029 T
Smokey Wings

NP N 2045 T
Smoking Gray

NP N 1930 P
Soft Chant

NP N 1874 T
Soft Fur

NP N 1934 T
Soft Prayers

NP N 1955 T

NP N 1835 D
Square Pegs

NP N 1868 T

NP N 2047 P
Steel Pot

NP N 2007
Steel Sting

NP N 1992 P
Stiletto Gray

NP N 2003 D
Stone Fence

NP N 1958 P
Suede Shoes

NP N 1867 P
Tavern Buff

NP N 1897 A
Tempest Brown

NP N 1950 P
Thinking Aloud

NP N 1855 A
Timber Logs

NP N 1909 P
Tinted Glass

NP N 2026 P
Tip of Iceberg

NP N 1854 D
Tracking Tan

NP N 1962 P

NP N 1996 D
Trojan Gray

NP N 1919 D
Turned Earth

NP N 1918 A
Volcanic Black

NP N 1865 P
Wall Arte

NP N 1903 T
Warm Knit

NP N 1993 P

NP N 1895 P
Weathered Brown

NP N 1987 T

NP N 1819 T
Wetherburn Tan

NP N 1913 P
garden Dust

NP N 1905 D
garden Earth

NP N 1936 P
lonely Nights
Captivating Accents
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP AC 2048 P-Bright Lime

NP AC 2049 A-Shocking Yellow

NP AC 2050 A-Jetster Yellow

NP AC 2051 A-Deep Safron

NP AC 2052 A-Florist Yellow

NP AC 2053 A-Yellow Blaze

NP AC 2054 A-Deep Marigolds

NP AC 2055 A-Yellow Amazon

NP AC 2056 A-Sweet Grapefruit

NP AC 2057 A-Orange Originality

NP AC 2058 A-Firelights

NP AC 2059 A-Autumn Lights

NP AC 2060 A-Orange Kisses

NP AC 2061 A-Cheers

NP AC 2062 A-Orange Bouquet

NP AC 2063 A-Orange Royale

NP AC 2064 A-So Orange

NP AC 2065 A-Carrothead

NP AC 2066 A-Setting Sun

NP AC 2067 A-Pipe Tomatoes

NP AC 2068 A-Exciting Orange

NP AC 2069 A-Hot Shot

NP AC 2070 A-Talk of the Town

NP AC 2071 A-Cotillion Red

NP AC 2072 A-Alpha Red

NP AC 2073 A-Red Martini

NP AC 2074 A-Red Confetti

NP AC 2075 A-Red Apples

NP AC 2076 A-Fast Car

NP AC 2077 A-Absolutely Pink

NP AC 2078 A-English Rose

NP AC 2079 A-Irish Charm

NP AC 2080 A-Pink Floss

NP AC 2081 A-Pizazz

NP AC 2082 A- Vivid Violet

NP AC 2083 A-Conquest

NP AC 2084 A-Grape popsicle

NP AC 2085 A-Marmalade Rush

NP AC 2086 A-Grape Wine

NP AC 2087 A-Violet Crunch

NP AC 2088 A-jam Break

NP AC 2089 A-Grape Breeze

NP AC 2090 A-Purple Charm

NP AC 2091 A-magnetism

NP AC 2092 A-Blessed Purple

NP AC 2093 A-Deep Faith

NP AC 2094 A-Rhapsody

NP AC 2095 A-So Purple

NP AC 2096 A-Mozarts

NP AC 2097 A-Electrify

NP AC 2098 A-Blue Lighting

NP AC 2099 A-Blue Mercury

NP AC 2100 A-Cobalt Blue

NP AC 2101 A-Fluid Blue

NP AC 2102 A-Circuit Blue

NP AC 2103 A-Sports Blue

NP AC 2104 A-Green Academy

NP AC 2105 A-Green Feathers

NP AC 2106 A-Great Seascape

NP AC 2107 A-Tempest Sea

NP AC 2108 A-Harbour

NP AC 2109 A-Sea balm

NP AC 2110 A-Fantasy green

NP AC 2111 A-Fareway

NP AC 2112 A-Mythology

NP AC 2113 A-Greek Legend

NP AC 2114 A-Impressions

NP AC 2115 A-Green Gust

NP AC 2116 A-Colleen Green

NP AC 2117 A-Gisette Green

NP AC 2118 A-Army Green

NP AC 2119 A-Dark Green

NP AC 2120 A-Costume Green

NP AC 2121 A-Out to the Seas

NP AC 2122 A-Green Topiary

NP AC 2123 A-Woods Trails

NP AC 2124 A-Breen

NP AC 2125 A-Bronze Trophy

NP AC 2126 A-Swinging Palms

NP AC 2127 A-Oregano Leaves

NP AC 2128 A-Woodford

NP AC 2129 A-Wood Grains

NP AC 2130 A-Grated Pulp

NP AC 2131 A-Ollie Gold

NP AC 2132 A-Castle Rock

NP AC 2133 A-Fortune Cookie

NP AC 2134 A-Affogato

NP AC 2135 A-Expresso

NP AC 2136 A-Natural Highlights

NP AC 2137 A-Bedford

NP AC 2138 A-Brown Dye

NP AC 2139 A-Caramel Twist

NP AC 2140 A-Caramel Twirl

NP AC 2141 A-Brown Bailey

NP AC 2142 A-Soprano

NP AC 2143 A-Winestone

NP AC 2144 A-New Terracotta

NP AC 2145 A-Fertile Earth
Timeless off-Whites
Warna yang ditampilkan pada layar dapat bervariasi tergantung pada resolusi dan pengaturan layar Anda. Kunjungi toko Nippon Paint terdekat atau hubungi Whatsapp Care kami untuk mendapatkan kartu warna sebagai contoh warna yang lebih akurat.

NP OW 1029 P
Angelic Pink

NP OW 1082 P
Ash White

NP OW 1027 P
Autumn White

NP OW 1023 P
Bare Blush

NP OW 1025 P
Bare Toes

NP OW 1067 P
Blue Essence

NP OW 1068 P
Blue Swirl

NP OW 1059 P
Blue Trace

NP OW 1058 P
Blue Vision

NP OW 1072 P
Clear Day

NP OW 1075 P
Clover Petal

NP OW 1064 P
Cool Drift

NP OW 1065 P
Cool Hint

NP OW 1018 P
Cotton Bud

NP OW 1016 P
Creamy White

NP OW 1014 P
Daisy White

NP OW 1035 P
Drifting Cloud

NP OW 1012 P

NP OW 1079 P
Evening Breeze

NP OW 1040 P
Felicia Rose

NP OW 1054 P

NP OW 1077 P

NP OW 1088 P

NP OW 1015 P
Gossamer White

NP OW 1061 P

NP OW 1086 P
Gray Dew

NP OW 1087 P
Gray Drops

NP OW 1073 P
Green Pass

NP OW 1074 P
Green Whimsey

NP OW 1003 P
Hush White

NP OW 1007 P
Intimate White

NP OW 1052 P
Iris Tip

NP OW 1044 P

NP OW 1056 P
Laid Back

NP OW 1078 P
Light Gauze

NP OW 1043 P
Light Laurels

NP OW 1005 P
Light Wings

NP OW 1032 P

NP OW 1063 P

NP OW 1066 P
Mint Scent

NP OW 1008 P
Mobe Pearl

NP OW 1048 P
Orchid Garden

NP OW 1047 P
Orchid Scent

NP OW 1009 P
Peaceful White

NP OW 1022 P
Peach Pinch

NP OW 1038 P
Penelope Pink

NP OW 1037 P
Pink Cloud

NP OW 1028 P
Pink Puff

NP OW 1053 P

NP OW 1081 P
Reserved White

NP OW 1042 P

NP OW 1083 P
Reticent White

NP OW 1031 P
Rose Fragrance

NP OW 1030 P
Rosy Dawn

NP OW 1080 P
Rusting Leaf

NP OW 1070 P
Sea Breeze

NP OW 1069 P
Slight Wift

NP OW 1002 P
Snow White

NP OW 1039 P
Snowbush Rose

NP OW 1062 P
Soft Creek

NP OW 1006 P
Soft Flutter

NP OW 1045 P
Soft Marion

NP OW 1019 P
Soft Pulp

NP OW 1055 P
Soft Tendrils

NP OW 1011 P
Soft Tissue

NP OW 1057 P
Soothing Blue

NP OW 1049 P
Special Touch

NP OW 1060 P

NP OW 1033 P
Sugar Pink

NP OW 1013 P
Sun Glint

NP OW 1017 P
Swan Wing

NP OW 1021 P

NP OW 1041 P
Sweet Wreath

NP OW 1026 P
Timid Pink

NP OW 1076 P
Tumbling Water

Ultra Smooth

NP OW 1051 P
Velvet Touch

NP OW 1024 P
Victorian White

NP OW 1085 P
Violet Whisper

NP OW 1071 P
Wafting Wave

NP OW 1010 P
Walden White

Whispering White

White Concrete

NP OW 1036 P
White Dawn

NP OW 1050 P
White Lilac

NP OW 1004 P
White Lush

NP OW 1034 P
White Peony

NP OW 1046 P
Wisteria White

Exterior Collection

Exterior Lookbook

Nippon Weatherbond Max

Trend Beyond Colours 2024-25

Colours of Life

Nippon Weatherbond

Elastex Fiberflex PU

Elastex Waterproof 3-in-1

Nippon Spot-less

Nippon Vinilex

Vinilex Super

Vinilex Pro & Platone PVA


Bee Brand 1000

Bee Brand Junior 66

Nippon Timber Finish

Nippon Woodstain

Wood & Metal Collection


Epoxy Guard

Pylox & Autolux

Pylox Basics

Nippe 2000

Nippe Ototint

Protective Coatings

High Performance Coatings

Anti Corrosive Coatings